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    other people's ideas: mixbook 2012

    So back in August I said I'd try to make a mixbook: a small-batch "personal publishing" project compiling some of the best articles I read on the Web in 2012. And now that we're in 2013 I can reveal the result: Other People's Ideas 2012.

    This volume—printed up at Lulu.com—is about 300 pages in length. It contains a short introduction, and twenty-one anthologized pieces, arranged in the order in which I read them over the course of the year. I circulated them as gifts to a small number of friends and compatriots this holiday season. All the pieces within are freely available on the Web, so even though I'm not commercially circulating copies of the thing, you can still peruse the contents if you like:

    This project was a lot of fun, and I hope to attempt it again next year. It owes a debt to similar personal publishing experiments done by James Bridle, Emmet Connolly, Christopher Butler, Daniel Neville, and Clive Thompson, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them for the inspiration.

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    Tuesday, January 01, 2013
    10:28 PM


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